India and Europe, two very separate civilizations...right? When the East India Company arrived on the shores of India in 1600, two ancient civilizations met for the first time in thousands of years. or so we've thought. Genetics reveals a much more recent connection between the Indian subcontinent and Europe. Tune in to uncover the shocking link! (with Ken Ham and Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson)
Up Next in Season 1
S1E8 How many people are of Mongol de...
Do you have Mongol ancestry in your past? When the Mongols conquered China, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe in the 1200s, the created the world's largest empire. And then what? Consult a history of western civilization, and you'll find little mention. Genetics brings these people much closer ...
S1E9 The Ancient Chinese Connection t...
To the Western world, ancient China represent one of the most exotic, distant, and mysterious civilizations. Notoriously isolationist and insular, few would expect any genealogical connections between ancient Chinese and modern Europeans. Genetics reveals the unexpected to be true. Join us to fin...
S1E10 The Hidden History of Americans
After Columbus arrived in the Americas, over 60 million Europeans—primarily Western Europeans—followed. But who were they? We take for granted that they were ethnically Germans, Italians, Irish, and the like. Genetics tells a very different story—and takes us back to one of the most mysterious ep...