Peace: Bethlehem Candle
The Advent Season is a time to reflect on how we can prepare our hearts for Christ's birth. The Advent candles are lit to celebrate the truth and history of God's love, pursuit of man-kind and redemption as we share God's message with the world.
The second Advent candle, also purple, represents peace. It is called the Bethlehem Candle‚ as a reminder of Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem and symbolizes the preparation for the Christ child.
Up Next in Advent
Joy: Shepherd's Candle
The Advent Season is a time to reflect on how we can prepare our hearts for Christ's birth. The Advent candles are lit to celebrate the truth and history of God's love, pursuit of man-kind and redemption as we share God's message with the world.
The third Advent candle, which is pink, symbolizes...
Love: Angel's Candle
The Advent Season is a time to reflect on how we can prepare our hearts for Christ's birth. The Advent candles are lit to celebrate the truth and history of God's love, pursuit of man-kind and redemption as we share God's message with the world.
The fourth Advent candle, which is purple, marks t...
Merry Christmas: Christ Candle
The Advent Season is a time to reflect on how we can prepare our hearts for Christ's birth. The Advent candles are lit to celebrate the truth and history of God's love, pursuit of man-kind and redemption as we share God's message with the world.
The white candle, the Christ Candle, is lit on Chr...