Kids' Age of the Earth Videos

Kids' Age of the Earth Videos

A playlist of Kids' Age of the Earth videos.

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Kids' Age of the Earth Videos
  • Fossil Dig Site

    What does a fossil dig site and two scientists with differing views teach us?

  • Fires in the Sky

    Learn about Comet ISoN and find out how comets support a young universe in this preview of a spectacular Creation Museum planetarium show!

  • Extreme Caving Excerpt

    Watch a video of Buddy Davis's adventures deep in beautiful Cumberland Caverns.

  • Young Universe

    Young Universe

  • Mount St. Helens - Rapid Erosion

    Mount St. Helens provides evidence for a world wide flood.

  • How old is the Earth/Universe?

    How old is the Earth/Universe?

  • Why Shouldn't Christians Accept Millions of Years?

    Why Shouldn't Christians Accept Millions of Years? - one of the twelve most-asked questions from the highly popular New Answers Book 1 on video.

    We live in a culture with more questions than everquestions that affect one's acceptance of the Bible as authoritative and trustworthy. This video feat...

  • Radiometric Dating

    Ever wonder how anybody really knows how old the earth is? Are all dating methods really accurate and reliable? This video explores the multiple assumptions that take place in certain "dating" practices and you might be surprised at what's revealed.

  • Canyons

    How did canyons form? Are they scars from the flood and its aftermath?

  • The Present is Not the Key to the Past

    It's been said the present is the key to the past...but is it?

  • Coal

    Where did coal come from?

  • Geology: Ice Age

    When was the ice age? How did it start?

  • Does Distant Starlight Prove the Universe Is old?

    Does Distant Starlight Prove the Universe Is old? (Dr. Jason Lisle) - one of the twelve most-asked questions from the highly popular New Answers Book 1 on video.

    We live in a culture with more questions than everquestions that affect one's acceptance of the Bible as authoritative and trustworthy...