Behind the Experience
2 seasons
Animals, exhibits, attractions, and experiences. Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes to make it all happen? Join us as we take you to places you normally don't get to witness while visiting the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. We'll pull back the curtain and give you a look at what ...
1 season
To the general public of the 18 and early 1900s, traveling circuses provided hours of amusement. However, such shows featured many bizarre spectacles, the most grotesque being the sadly misnamed freak shows. Many people involved were exploited- depicted as evolutionary missing links- not created...
S3E4 The Lost Path to the Roman Road
In Matthew 13:44 Jesus said, [T]he Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure‚ And Ephesians 2:8 says, For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.‚ And since this free gift of God, salvation, is the most precious treasure any human being could ...
Journey Through the Ark Encounter
Experience the 510-foot-long reconstruction of Noah's ark with filmmaker Peter Schriemer. Discover behind-the-scenes facts about this architectural wonder, get answers to your questions about the ark, flood, and animals from the world-class exhibits, and discover the jaw-dropping size of this eno...
February 2022: Black and White Tegus
2022 February: Meet RJ! our Argentine Black and White Tegu lives in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos!
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December 2022: Leopard Gecko
2022 December: Meet Molly and Sally! our common leopard geckos live in the Eden Animal Experience at the Creation Museum.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos!
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December 2021: Southern Armadillos
2021 December: Meet Pebbles! our three-banded armadillo lives in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos!
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S2E4 Wild Winter
Go on a chilly exploration with host Peter Schriemer through the winter months to see how animals survive the cold. Be reminded how God prepares us for all of the challenges we face. Meet winter creatures like snowy owls, trumpeter swans, a cougar, wolves, a groundhog, and a herd of reindeer, and...
S2E5 Backyard Winter
Head outside your door to experience the season of winter with host Peter Schriemer and learn how to make a snowflake catcher, how to feed birds in your backyard, and how maple syrup is made. Be reminded that God makes all of us unique in His image and meet some friendly winter birds and a beauti...
August 2022: Kinkajous
2022 August: Meet Tiki! our kinkajou lives in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos!
https://www.answers.tv/calendar -
April 2022: African Crowned Cranes
2022 April: Meet Shiloh & Salem! our African Crowned Cranes live in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos!
https://www.answers.tv/calendar -
The Building of the Ark Encounter
Come along on a journey from the first brainstorming plan in 2004 to the grand opening in July 2016 of the Ark Encounter!
S1E1 Sandhill Cranes
Meet sandhill cranes up close at a nature center, then join Peter on a hike to find some in a marsh. This is AiG's first creationist wildlife program called Hike and Seek hosted by Peter. Meet Peter as he begins this exciting series and more.
S1E1 Jumpers (Pilot)
Trevor and Avery hop by Ararat Ridge Zoo to meet the kangaroos. How are these marsupials able to jump so high?
Amazing Atheist
Atheists cannot discuss anything without borrowing from the Christian worldview. See their inconsistencies and struggles as they attempt to justify their blind faith.
I Dig Dinosaurs!
Join adventurer Buddy Davis on an exciting dinosaur dig in the Badlands of Montana!This real-life dinosaur researcher inspires kids with his solid creation teaching and infectious passion for the gospel.
How to Deal with Cultural Issues Foundationally - Ken Ham
If we want to raise generations of young people to stand against the swirling hurricane of secularism, we must teach them to think foundationally, beginning in Genesis - with Ken Ham.
S1E1 Welcome to our World
Give your kids a truly Christian worldview as they experience creation like never before! Get ready to meet these four modern-day missionary kids as they adventure far into God's creation and discover the rich wildlife of the jungle of a remote Pacific island.
S1E88 Is Evolution a Religion?
Is Evolution a Religion? Yes! Though often masqueraded as science, evolution is the religion of Atheism.
S1E1 Out and About: All Things Mushroom
Join Buddy out and About as he explores all things mushroom. He sings God Is A Refuge‚ and When Dragons' Hearts Were Good‚, and draws a cartoon dragon.
Replacing Darwin: The New origin of Species (2019) - Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson
Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson effectively and authoritatively documents the newest scientific discoveries, refutes Darwin's claims, and presents evidences that support a compelling alternate explanation for the origin of species.
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