Amazing Animals - Insects and Aquatics
The truth of God’s Word is simple to understand. A painting requires a painter. A creation requires a creator. And design requires a designer. And we do find incredible examples of design in nature, as even the so-called “simplest” of God’s creatures reveals magnificent biological “technology” that grants them astonishing abilities so far beyond our capability to create that scientists freely admit their envy.
And God’s word reveals that the amazing animals he made testify to Him.
But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? Job 12:7–9
S1E1 Amazing Animals: The Dragonfly
When you consider the tiny size of a Dragonfly's body and brain compared to its computational and physical capability, it is truly astonishing what they can do. our brightest engineers on the planet haven't even come close to creating machines and computers that can perform a fraction of their ab...
S1E2 Amazing Animals: The Spider
In 2012, two different species of spiders were discovered that construct large decoys of themselves which they personally animate when predators came near, causing them to move like marionettes and making their doppelganger creations appear to come to life. This activity is used to either scare a...
S1E3 Amazing Animals: The Flying Squid
The teaching of naturalistic evolution has become so commonplace that often even belief in God is considered taboo in Western culture. Despite the amazing design found in all of God's creatures (even the humble squid), many Christian leaders have been so browbeaten by this barrage of humanistic t...
S1E4 Amazing Animals: The Grasshopper and Locust
Scientific experimentation has shown that previously hidden‚ genetic information can be activated under differing environmental conditions. A great example of this is how grasshoppers can transform into locusts. This transformational ability is pre-programmed and seems to be an in-built survival ...
S1E5 Amazing Animals: The Bee orchid
The Bee orchid is a marvel to behold, as they look like a bee in shape, size, and general coloration. They also feels like a beekind of fuzzy. But most amazing is that they also produce pheromones that smell like a female bee in heat,‚ so to speak (which are virtually indistinguishable from the i...
S1E6 Amazing Animals: The Pistol Shrimp
Astonishingly, the pistol shrimp demonstrates incredible design in an oversized claw that functions like an acoustic gun, literally cocked and fired that produce shots‚ reaching over 200 decibels. The blast is produced by a bubble formed by a fast water jet, traveling up to 100 km/hr squeezed out...
S1E7 Amazing Animals: The Mimic octopus
If a person were to create and program a mechanism that could perform even half the functions the Mimic octopus does, they would likely receive all of the accolades the scientific community could possibly bestow upon a human being, and probably be hailed as the most brilliant scientist on the pla...