Anatomy with Dr. Menton

Anatomy with Dr. Menton

Dr. David Menton 1938-2021
Dr. David Menton held a PhD in biology from Brown University and served as an award-winning professor at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis for 34 years. He retired as an Associate Professor Emeritus and served with Answers in Genesis as a speaker, writer, and researcher. He retired from Answers in Genesis in August 2021 and passed into the presence of our Lord on December 11, 2021.

Dr Menton also has a series on Microscopic Anatamy:

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Anatomy with Dr. Menton
  • Integumentary System (Skin) 2

    Part 2: The skin is the largest organ in the body and the one we are probably most familiar with. It is right there before our eyes every day, but without the aid of a microscope we cannot really appreciate its complexity and many important functions.

  • Skeletal System 1

    Part 1: Without bones you would be a lump of fleshy organs. Without cartilage you would have no nose, no fingernails, and folding your arm or straightening your leg would be extremely painful.

  • Skeletal System 2

    Part 2: Without bones you would be a lump of fleshy organs. Without cartilage you would have no nose, no fingernails, and folding your arm or straightening your leg would be extremely painful.

  • God’s Girders - Bones of our Bodies

    Dr. David Menton explores bone biology and unveils the elaborate design of our amazing skeletal system. Could all this have come together by dumb luck over millions of years, or was all this intricacy orchestrated by our Creator’s intentional design? You’ll look at your skeleton in a whole new li...

  • Hearing Ear & Seeing Eye (2003)

    This unique talk received a standing ovation at Creation 2003. Anatomist Dr. David Menton takes you on a journey into the marvelous intricacies of the human ear and eye, which has the clear stamp of the Creator and leaves skeptics speechless.

  • Fearfully & Wonderfully Made (2020)

    Have you ever marveled over a newborn child? We stand in awe at the detail of their tiny features, fingers, and toes. As we consider the miracle of life, we may ask, “When does life begin?”

    Dr. David Menton explains the development of an infant from the embryo to birth. Explore the progressive s...