Head outside your door to experience the season of winter with host Peter Schriemer and learn how to make a snowflake catcher, how to feed birds in your backyard, and how maple syrup is made. Be reminded that God makes all of us unique in His image and meet some friendly winter birds and a beautiful Great Horned owl up close!
Up Next in Kids' Animal Videos
S2E6 New Life
Hike through the springtime season with host Peter Schriemer to learn about a spotted salamander's evening travels, spring peeper's loud voices, a caterpillar's amazing transformation, and nature's canopy covering the earth. Spring is about new beginnings and new life! ...
S2E7 Spring Returning
The silence of winter is over, and the natural world is abuzz with activity! Spot returning robins and redwing blackbirds, visit thousands of buzzing cicadas, and watch cranes starting new families on this exciting episode of Hike & Seek.
S1E1 Sandhill Cranes
Meet sandhill cranes up close at a nature center, then join Peter on a hike to find some in a marsh. This is AiG's first creationist wildlife program called Hike and Seek hosted by Peter. Meet Peter as he begins this exciting series and more.