Ken and Leanne celebrate World Lemur Day from the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter. Eight ringtail lemurs have just arrived. Watch our welcome party!
Which kings from the old Testament are these eight lemurs named after?
Up Next in Kids' Animal Videos
S1E43 Five New Creatures
Leanne and Karina introduce Ken to five creatures newly arrived at the Ark Encounter: millipedes, Russian tortoise, king snake, pastel python and Taiwan beauty snake
S1E42 Hello Salem and Shiloh!
Ken meets two African Crowned Cranes, newly arrived at our Ararat Ridge Zoo. See them for yourself when you visit the Ark Encounter.
S1E41 World Goat Day 2020
Which animals are smarter: goats or dogs?
Meet some of the goats that live in Ararat Ridge Zoo. one of our trainers, George, demonstrates some of the tricks our goats have learned. You can meet these goats when you come to the Ark Encounter.