Join ocean Explorers, Mr. &; Mrs. Brown on their explorations of God's ocean creation and their search to document the largest shark on the planet -- the Whale Shark! Discover why the largest shark on the Earth is the most gentle and harmless of all the sharks that God created. Their search takes place along the longest coral reef in the Northern Hemisphere where they will dive with whale sharks, bull sharks, manatees and dolphins! Learn where whale sharks fit in God's ocean creation.
Up Next in Kids' Animal Videos
Part 9 - Life: Backyard Variety
Part 9: The earth abounds with a fantastic variety of living things. But what is life? Why are living things so similar? Explore amazing answers from the Bible! Contains 9 mini programs.
Part 8 - Life: Chameleons
Part 8: The earth abounds with a fantastic variety of living things. But what is life? Why are living things so similar? Explore amazing answers from the Bible! Contains 9 mini programs.