Were Polar Bears around at the time of Creation? How are Polar Bears really ocean mammals? Join ocean Explorers, Mr. &; Mrs. Brown as they travel to a remote Norwegian island near the North Pole to search for the largest bear and the largest carnivore on Earth -- the Polar Bear! on their search for polar bears Mr. &; Mrs. Brown will meet other arctic animals that are part of God's incredible creation.
Up Next in Kids' Animal Videos
The California Forest Under the Sea ...
Visit a mysterious forest that God created under the sea and meet the animals that God designed to live in this unique ocean environment! Play with seals and sea lions. Have a close encounter with so-called dangerous marine animals such as sting rays, moray eels, and sharks!
Disclaimer: Facts ...
The Belize Whale Shark Expedition
Join ocean Explorers, Mr. &; Mrs. Brown on their explorations of God's ocean creation and their search to document the largest shark on the planet -- the Whale Shark! Discover why the largest shark on the Earth is the most gentle and harmless of all the sharks that God created. Their search takes...