This faith-building and humor-filled talk will equip you to answer over 20 of the most-asked questions about creation, evolution, science, and the Bible, opening the door to sharing the gospel.
Up Next in Answering Atheists
Learning to Think Biblically - Ken Ham
Surrounding us is a swirling hurricane of change. At a breathtaking pace, we're seeing the culture overthrow any semblance of biblical morality and a tide of immorality is taking its place. How should Christians think (and teach their children to think!) about the hot-button issues of our day suc...
Genesis, Foundations, and How to Impa...
Why isn't the church impacting the culture like it did in previous generations? It's a foundational problem! Much of the church is not standing on the authority of God's Word, beginning in Genesis. Without a firm foundation, many are blown about by the chaos of our culture.
Discover the foundat...
Are Humans Related to Chimps? - Dr Ge...
one of the biggest debates in evangelical Christianity today is whether Adam and Eve were real people. Sadly, many believe that genetics has proven that humans and chimps share a common ancestor disproving the existence of an original couple specially created by God. As a consequence, many have b...