Dedication: New Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Exhibit from Creation Museum (2020)
Answers Events
This new exhibit will challenge the culture regarding the abortion issue with the truth from God's Word that we're created fearfully and wonderfully in God's image. It will show that life begins at fertilization as each individual begins with a unique combination of DNA from mother and fatherthat right from fertilization, humans are made in God's image.
Up Next in Answers Events
How Did All the Animals Fit on the Ark?
So many animal species exist in the world could Noah have possibly fit them all on his Ark? Does the Bible provide answers? Yes! In this lecture, we will discuss the biblical history of the animals on Noah's Ark. How did they all fit? How did Noah's family care for them? Why didn't th...
Celebration of Life - Patrick Marsh
The creative genius behind the incredible buildings and exhibits enjoyed by millions at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, Patrick Marsh, passed away December 2, 2021, at age 77. A world-renowned art director, Patrick's previous designs included the popular Jaws and King Kong attractions at U...
Answers.tvan Exciting New AiG Project
Ken Ham gives a special announcement about an exciting new AIG project for the whole family we are launching.