Answers in Genesis Canada

Answers in Genesis Canada

Answers in Genesis Canada (AiG CA) is an apologetics (i.e., Bible-defending) ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ frequently and effectively.

Calvin is Executive Director of Answers in Genesis–Canada and has spoken at church conferences across Canada (and sometimes internationally) on creation apologetics for well over 20 years now. Calvin is featured in a wide variety of video productions, which have reached over 15 million viewers, hosted on several media platforms (including the Answers TV streaming site and the AiG CA/US and Ark Encounter YouTube channels).

Answers in Genesis Canada
  • Canada Feature Videos

    6 seasons

    Answers in Genesis, Canada (AiG CA) equips thousands of Canadians and millions worldwide to defend their faith and proclaim the gospel more frequently and effectively through our powerful video content.

    From 60-second shorts to our multi-episode Answers Originals, AiG CA produces a wide variety ...

  • Amazing Animals - Insects and Aquatics

    7 items

    The truth of God’s Word is simple to understand. A painting requires a painter. A creation requires a creator. And design requires a designer. And we do find incredible examples of design in nature, as even the so-called “simplest” of God’s creatures reveals magnificent biological “technology” th...

  • GREAT Conversations with Calvin Smith

    8 seasons

    Join Calvin Smith (Executive Director and Speaker with AiG Canada) and his guests as they have G.R.E.A.T. (Gospel, Relevance, Evangelism, Apologetics, Training) Conversations relating to church and culture today. Discover how Answers in Genesis resources impact lives in gospel outreach.

    Answers ...

  • Creation Basics

    5 seasons

    Creation Basics is designed to make God’s creation part of your everyday conversation. By providing a brief, daily dose of relevant, apologetic content tackling a specific issue, we trust the Lord will lead many to it so as to equip his people and challenge the non-believer to trust the Word of God.

  • The Genesis Account of Noah’s Ark

    1 season

    The idea of a man building a giant boat to rescue humanity has been the subject of much interest and scrutiny, and Noah and his Ark have been represented in many different ways throughout human history. The Ark is a common target for those who wish to mock a plain reading of the Bible. Even withi...

  • The Lost Path to the Roman Road


    In Mathew 13:44 Jesus said, “[T]he Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure…” And Ephesians 2:8 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” And since this free gift of God, salvation, is the most precious treasure any human being coul...

  • Freakshow
    1 season


    1 season

    To the general public of the 18 and early 1900s, traveling circuses provided hours of amusement. However, such shows featured many bizarre spectacles, the most grotesque being the sadly misnamed freak shows. Many people involved were exploited- depicted as evolutionary missing links- not created...

  • Was There Really a “Land Before Time”?


    The books folks my age read as children had pictures depicting dinosaurs sitting in the backdrop of an exotic, tropical forest, with a volcano spewing lava in the background. Usually there were various flying reptiles hovering around, but there would almost always be no mammals in sight. Little d...

  • Genesis: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle - Calvin Smith

    With so many areas for the church to deal with, we need to ask ourselves, "What is the key issue the church needs to focus on?" Discover the answer in this dynamic video presentation!