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5/13 ELCA Prays to Mother God

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Up Next in 2020: April - June

  • 5/13 ELCA Prays to Mother God

    Customer tips big; Filmmaker normalizes dysphoria; Researchers trace marble to specific quarry; Professors announce our sun is not normal; ELCA prays to mother god; Parents disagree with school board over sex indoctrination; Naturalists see evolution in pandemic . . . and more in this broadcast o...

  • 5/20 More Flood Evidence Ignored

    Holey Rome; Ghoulish marketing; Provocative judge; Bearded fable; Misinterpreted belemnoid; Murderous charity; Reported propaganda; Spun facts and more in this episode of Answers News.

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    In that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness t...

  • 6/01 God Gave Them Up

    Heroic boys rescue drowning girl; Activists capitalize on police brutality to foment destruction; Private-sector space program succeeds; Postdoctoral fellow mistakes longer toes for evolution; Researchers implant electrodes to trace letters in participants' minds; USA birth rate lowest since 1909...