Answers News

Answers News

29 Seasons

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Join our hosts for a look at culture and science news through the lens of a biblical worldview. Answers News is designed to help Christians think Biblically about what they hear and see in popular culture, pointing people back to the authority of God’s Word in every area of their lives.

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Answers News
  • 7/01 Rumors of War

    Episode 1

    NASA shows ten years of sun photos in one hour video; People accumulate genetic mutations at different rates; Maloney claims religious liberty means discrimination; one-third of Americans polled think civil war is likely; Dutch court gives no penalty to doctor who murdered rebellious patient; Res...

  • 7/06 Embracing Sin As Identity

    Episode 2

    Mad hatterpillars keep their heads; Voters want women's sports for females; Court rules states cannot exclude religious schools; Evolutionists think they think like monkeys; Professors re-examine saber-tooth marsupial teeth; Hatmakers celebrate sin-based identity; ELCA asserts anti-biblical defin...

  • 7/08 Biblical Justice Is Personal

    Episode 3

    Bioengineers invent way to translate ASL; Pastors seek compromise with advocates who demand absolute affirmation; Naturalists choose sides on asteroid v. volcano dogma; ontario pastor declares he is a woman; African pastor warns ethnic gnosticism is a false religion; Atheist magazine labels peopl...

  • 7/15 Stranger Family

    Episode 5

    Engineers produce geostationary satellites that map lightning; SCoTUS won't tell religious schools who to hire; Atheistic assumptions drive new Turkana Boy analysis; Co-parenting is old, not new; Parents choosing to homeschool overwhelm state bureaucracy; Atheists change opinions about Earth's ma...

  • 7/27 Fruitless and Not Multiplying

    Episode 8

    Cee films lightning at the Statue of Liberty; Pew publishes results of international God and morality survey; Communists enter homes of Christians to force worship of CCP; Duke graduate student concludes we are all fish; Chemists admit DNA is more complicated than commonly taught; Burton rescues ...

  • 7/29 How Earth Got Its Climate...

    Episode 9

    Engineers surprised at complicated nanostructures in insects; International team declares five-inch hippo bone was an ancient tool; London activist wants society to get rid of white men; Kaufman writes crosswalk signals are racist; Geologist preaches deep time dogma; Climate alarmists revise date...

  • 8/03 Plus or Minus 1,200,000,000

    Episode 10

    Wildlife Federation celebrates tiger success by demanding more government action; Fewer Americans report reading their Bibles; Rowling tries to reason with transgender advocates; Astrophysicists' measurements give different ages for the universe; Fulani Muslims burn, loot, rape and murder in yet ...

  • 8/05 Scientist or Activist?

    Episode 11

    Slovenian biologists gather data from spider webs; Appeals court agrees with religious liberty for adoption agencies; Polish croc fossil forces evolutionists to change tale about tracks; Nature retracts paper about dinosaur birds; Another evolutionary deep-time story features squishy words; South...

  • 8/12 Granting Favors

    Episode 13

    Girl breaks periodic record; Woman honors her abortion daily; Illinois Democrats demand rewrite of history classes; NBA player stands alone for the gospel; DC Mayor uses tax dollars to paint political messages onto streets, then arrests protesters writing in chalk; British police drag father awa...

  • 8/24 Euphemisms Cloak Murder

    Episode 16

    Canadians install satellite dishes on beaver dams; Hallmark releases film with a lesbian wedding; Burmese find extinct ant in solid sap; Americans argue about abortion restrictions in Arkansas; Fruit flies use special nerve cells; Doctors in Flanders approve of murdering "defective" babies; More ...

  • 8/26 Drag Queen Story Hour Tweet

    Episode 17

    Dinoflagellates make waves glow blue; Biologists compare eighteen penguin genomes; Drag queens hide tweet; Atheists cram intelligently designed containers into materialistic worldview; Evolutionary archaeologist interprets dry layers of grass and ash; Pro-lifers convince YouTube to restore aborti...

  • 8/31 Fossil Prints

    Episode 18

    NASA reports man sized rock is no danger; Paleontologists interpret Grand Canyon tracks; Something buried an ichthyosaur next to its prey; Coach Dungy calls out pro-abortion pastors; Democrat pastor advocates for tax funded abortion; Evolutionists double-down on claim that bird was a dinosaur; N...

  • 9/14 Let's Burn A Church

    Episode 21

    Pythons break through ceiling; Evolutionists wrestle with dingo origins; Amazon expands censorship of one viewpoint; Police warn pastor not to offend gay pride mob; Geneticists admit loss of information drives variation (but still trust "Nature" to produce information); Researchers checked more ...

  • 9/21 Life on Venus! Well...

    Episode 23

    Cat knocks dog owner unconscious; President cuts propaganda from federal trainings; Psychologists suggest all beliefs in god (except their own) come from brain chemistry; MacArthur willing to launch jail ministry; CNN pitches flammable, foul, toxic gas to evolution devotees on Earth; Mainline Pro...

  • 9/23 Good News in Iran

    Episode 24

    Bandit monkey leaves selfie evidence; Countries show different trends on abortion; Scientific American reveals their bias is political too; Paleontologists admit dinosaurs were rapidly entombed while alive; Mount Holyoke College trades women for gender diversity; Jesus grows his church in Persia ...

  • 9/28 BLM vs Family

    Episode 25

    Shabby experiments win ignoble prizes; Pelosi declares Mother Earth is angry; Educators challenge nuclear family, ignore multi-generational extended family; Environmentalists claim lawn care is evil; Natural History Museum curators cave to intersectional outrage; Reindeer hunters in Siberia unear...

  • 9/30 Brain Fog

    Episode 26

    Woman wakes to snake biting her face; After five years, researchers explain comet's invisible glow in satellite photos; Wisconsin astronomers announce a gas giant around a white dwarf; Stargazers speculate x-ray fluctuations may be extragalactic planet; Evolutionary biologist tells story about sl...