Answers News

Answers News

29 Seasons

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Join our hosts for a look at culture and science news through the lens of a biblical worldview. Answers News is designed to help Christians think Biblically about what they hear and see in popular culture, pointing people back to the authority of God’s Word in every area of their lives.

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Answers News
  • 1/04 Are Animals People?

    Episode 1

    Thai researcher converts feathers into food; School district pays $187K to atheists harmed by graduation prayer; Botanists declare Madagascar flower is ugliest orchid; Appeals court rejects Nonhuman Rights Project lawsuit; NY Times promotes paganized Messiah; New UK Police program allows people t...

  • 1/06 How old Is old Ice?

    Episode 2

    Divers record octopus punching fish; Scientists reinforce each other's assumptions about mummified wolf pup; Botanists find unknown plant in Hawaii; Dogma drives quest for and interpretation of ancient ice; Massachusetts Democrats override pro-choice Governor's veto so that 16 year-old girls can ...

  • 1/11 Will Utopians Build Equiterra?

    Episode 3

    Australians play in snake-infested sea foam; Pennsylvania Health Department publishes guidelines for sinning; Evolutionists try another way to accidentally produce life from chemistry; Paleoanthropologists resist evidence that Neanderthals were human; True-believers want to re-classify minerals a...

  • 1/13 Should Meeting Be Criminal?

    Episode 4

    Livescience lists medical oddities from 2020; "Awoman" congressman prayed to Brahma; Democrats continue using the words their new rules prohibit; Geneticists find identical twins may not have identical DNA; Astrophysicists continue to debate the age of the universe; Scottish politicians issue mo...

  • 1/18 What Makes a Platypus?

    Episode 5

    Unfamiliar creatures from hidden corners of creation; UK activists wants national database of race offenders; University of Florida Anthropology Department excludes students based on skin color; Biologists map a platypus genome, then assume evolution made it; Chemists hope diamidophosphate (DAP) ...

  • 1/20 Do Sliced Fossils Help Evolution?

    Episode 6

    Man trains fish to play soccer; Vegas school suspends senior who objects to being labeled as a oppressor; Evolutionists slice Namacalathus fossils hoping to solve the Cambrian explosion; Museums compare scans of wolf and Tasmanian tiger skulls; NY Times argues lockdowns help reach Paris climate g...

  • 1/25 Does Science Produce Liberty?

    Episode 7

    Toronto blogger records knife-wielding squirrel; The Human Rights Campaign wants Christian colleges to comply; Evolutionists speculate about dinosaur behavior based on burial location; 4,761 Christians known to be martyred in 2020; Conservationists plan to implant embryos in white rhinos; Biologi...

  • 2/03 Did God Say Be Fruitful?

    Episode 10

    Quads give parents nine children under nine years old; Livescience offers free dating indoctrination; Atheists find meaning being their own gods; Birth rates plummet during 2020 lockdowns; UC professor claims good is evil; Evolutionists conclude that dead plants must be 100 million years older; P...

  • 2/08 Are We Speciesists or Stewards?

    Episode 11

    Chick-Fil-A manager helps small South Carolina town distribute vaccines; Researchers base guess about undiscovered eggs on tiny jawbone; Snakes show undocumented climbing ability; PETA decries supremacist language; Naturalists like story about thumb evolution; Democrats send tax money to fund abo...

  • 2/17 Who Needs Living Fossils to Evolve?

    Episode 14

    Lawyer appears in court as kitten; Harvard biologists claim to know how fins became limbs; Evolutionists hope jumping genes will hide their shame over living fossils; Snopes publishes non-fact-checked article claiming creationists are dangerous; Hospital maternity ward requires non-scientific lan...

  • 2/22 Which God Gives Us Life?

    Episode 15

    104-year-old Lucio Caicedo completes his Ph.D. during lockdown; oxford biologist seeks robot code in spider legs; ornithologists studying starling genetics find rapid variation that their evolutionary worldview did not predict; Genetic engineers want to assist evolution; Virginia lawmakers remove...

  • 3/03 What Makes a False Teacher?

    Episode 18

    Man builds an ice bike; Professor tries to program chatbot AI to decode whale songs; ADF reviews consequences of "Equality" law; British police retreat from statement that being offensive is illegal; Researchers make claims about uncertain dates from partial DNA recovered from broken teeth; Cosmo...

  • 3/08 Why Is Confusion Popular?

    Episode 19

    Toddler tries to call 911 on Dad's locked phone; California law makers bring back fines for retailers who dare to sell "boys" and "girls" toys; Gallup poll shows massive increase in young Americans identifying as neither male nor female; Researchers tracking movements of yellow slime molds claim ...

  • 3/10 Does the Pope Trump the Bible?

    Episode 20

    Team returns wallet to owner who lost it in Antarctica 53 years ago; Bethany agrees to place orphans with LGBTQIA+ adults; Daily Beast responds to our Lucy display; New Mexico politicians repeal abortion ban and conscience protections for hospitals and healthcare workers; Roman Catholic Pope says...

  • 3/24 - Fake Mouse Wombs - Good or Evil?

    Episode 24

    Columbia College hosts six different CRT-based graduation ceremonies; Bloodsucking fish fossils challenge evolutionary dogma; Researchers create artificial mouse wombs; Ancient Greenland plants point to warmer climate in upper northern hemisphere; Neanderthals made art; NYC private schools prefer...

  • 3/29 What's odd About Giraffes?

    Episode 25

    Female amphibian selected for Easter bunny; Canadian politicians seek to remove limits on killing disabled and mentally ill patients; Evolutionary geneticist inserts giraffe genes into mice; Researcher proposes different standards for colleges that teach God created; Paleontologists find fossil o...

  • 3/31 Did Neanderthals Use Toothpicks?

    Episode 26

    Stinking mice plague New South Wales and Queensland; Dutch chemist claims to have designed an experiment that proves death enables evolution; Scientists wait to publish new rules expanding fetal research; Astronauts collect three unknown bacteria strains from inside the space station; Canada jail...