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1/06 How old Is old Ice?

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Up Next in 2021: January - March

  • 1/06 How old Is old Ice?

    Divers record octopus punching fish; Scientists reinforce each other's assumptions about mummified wolf pup; Botanists find unknown plant in Hawaii; Dogma drives quest for and interpretation of ancient ice; Massachusetts Democrats override pro-choice Governor's veto so that 16 year-old girls can ...

  • 1/11 Will Utopians Build Equiterra?

    Australians play in snake-infested sea foam; Pennsylvania Health Department publishes guidelines for sinning; Evolutionists try another way to accidentally produce life from chemistry; Paleoanthropologists resist evidence that Neanderthals were human; True-believers want to re-classify minerals a...

  • 1/13 Should Meeting Be Criminal?

    Livescience lists medical oddities from 2020; "Awoman" congressman prayed to Brahma; Democrats continue using the words their new rules prohibit; Geneticists find identical twins may not have identical DNA; Astrophysicists continue to debate the age of the universe; Scottish politicians issue mo...