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2/08 Are We Speciesists or Stewards?

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Up Next in 2021: January - March

  • 2/08 Are We Speciesists or Stewards?

    Chick-Fil-A manager helps small South Carolina town distribute vaccines; Researchers base guess about undiscovered eggs on tiny jawbone; Snakes show undocumented climbing ability; PETA decries supremacist language; Naturalists like story about thumb evolution; Democrats send tax money to fund abo...

  • 2/17 Who Needs Living Fossils to Evolve?

    Lawyer appears in court as kitten; Harvard biologists claim to know how fins became limbs; Evolutionists hope jumping genes will hide their shame over living fossils; Snopes publishes non-fact-checked article claiming creationists are dangerous; Hospital maternity ward requires non-scientific lan...

  • 2/22 Which God Gives Us Life?

    104-year-old Lucio Caicedo completes his Ph.D. during lockdown; oxford biologist seeks robot code in spider legs; ornithologists studying starling genetics find rapid variation that their evolutionary worldview did not predict; Genetic engineers want to assist evolution; Virginia lawmakers remove...