Navel-gazing science considers belly buttons; Finnish Prosecutor General accuses Christians of intolerance, contempt and hatred; Finnish PG also charges pastor for publishing book in 2004 that violates law passed in 2017; Facebook bans LifeSiteNews; Author appeals to experts and huge spans of time to prop up far-fetched, wildly speculative story about freak events; Evolutionists think Bicellum brasieri means life evolved many times . . . and other stories reviewed during this May 10, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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"So do not let what you regard as good be spoken of as evil. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." Romans 14:16-17
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What's inside your belly button?
Finnish Politician Charged With Hate Crimes for Tweeting Bible Verse, Criticising Homosexuality
Finnish Bishop Elect charged over historic Christian teachings on human sexuality
BREAKING: Facebook permanently removes LifeSiteNews' page
one Incredible ocean Crossing May Have Made Human Evolution Possible
Scientists Find Billion-Year-old Fossil Life, 'Something Which Has Never Been Described Before'
Germany to ban 'chick shredding' from 2022 in global first
Bill Declaring Personhood Begins at Conception Passes Tennessee General Assembly
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Photo of Päivi Räsänen by
Up Next in 2021: April - June
5/12 Should Skin Tone Limit Adoption?
Four boys, five girls, and new mother, Halima Cisse, are doing well; Large US adoption agency says placing black children with white parents is racist; More hospitals succeed with in utero surgeries; Grizzlies and polar bears are cross-breeding in the wild; New barite dating method may upset evol...
5/17 Does the Bible Define Bishop?
French cave-dwellers emerge after 40 days; ELCA elects woman who insists she is not a woman to serve as bishop; Chaplain sues Christian school that fired him for insensitivity to gender identity and sexual orientation; Neuroscientists admit evolutionary assumptions inhibited study of cerebellum; ...
5/19 Who Hears our Prayers?
Fake box experiment works on cats; University seeks to reduce whiteness and Eurocentrism in science; Disney runs internal campaign against white privilege and organizes racially segregated affinity groups; Microbiology paper claims to see fungus on Mars; owl dinosaur headline sensationalizes the ...