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6/02 Do Fewer Millennials Know God?

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6/02 Do Fewer Millennials Know God?

Dad invents germ-free way to blow out candles; Archeologists try to fit tropical Sulawesi into story of evolution; Canadians kill 24,000 people in first five years of legal euthanasia; Researchers use fake sounds and multiple choice to speculate about evolution of language; Over 40% of millennial...

6/07 Can We Choose Our Behavior?

Video shows one seagull air-surfing on another; Evolutionists design Hadron Collider QGP experiment to prop up Big Bang story; Professor argues homosexuals don't choose their behavior, therefore straight people should choose better behavior; Swedish Lutheran organization declares loyalty to LGBTQ...

6/09 Does Pride Tolerate Dissent?

Kids pester bus hijacker till he sets them free; Pollsters shocked that 40% of Americans choose biblical rather than evolutionary timeframes for dinosaurs; Biden celebrates that 14% of his appointees identify as LGBTQIA+; Ontario adoption officials reject Christian family that disagreed with gend...