Black cat leads rescuers to missing woman; Snopes fact-checker caught cheating; Researchers model asteroid impacts; Scientists document how fetal membranes heal; School district instructs teachers when lie to parents about gender; Columnist repeats biased inaccurate history; Finland joins Sweden and Britain in protecting children from puberty blockers . . . and other stories reviewed during this August 25, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord
- - - - - - - - - - - Psalm 127
A cat led rescuers to an elderly woman trapped in a ravine, giving a much-needed win to Team Cat
Snopes co-founder and owner caught plagiarizing dozens of articles and Snopes went ahead and fact-checked it for us
Scientists locate likely origin for the dinosaur-killing asteroid
New evidence that fetal membranes can repair themselves after injury
They are your kids, not the government's
Column: Evolution as a Revolution Came In an Unlikely Way
Finland is protecting children from puberty blockers
Frightening future of chimera research tests moral, ethical boundaries of science
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Photo: National Cancer Institute
Up Next in 2021: July - September
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9/08 Who Leads Harvard?
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9/13 What If Aliens Don't Exist?
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