Four-year-old boy falls 70 feet during hike in Kentucky; Twix promotes witches, cross-dressing . . . and murder?; Doritos promotes talking to the dead and homosexual behavior; Crab found trapped inside amber; Atheists hope DNA tangles will evolve new information. . . . and other stories reviewed during this November 3, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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Every man is stupid and without knowledge; every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols, for his images are false, and there is no breath in them.
- - - - - - - - - - - Jeremiah 10:14
Unbelievable: This 4-year-old boy fell 70 feet off a cliff and walked away with barely a scratch
Twix Released An Ad Featuring A Witch Nanny Who Encourages a Boy To Wear Dresses And Maybe Kills A Kid Who Makes Fun of Him
Doritos made this ad for the Mexican market where a dead guy's ghost comes back to tell his family he has a gay lover in heaven
99-million-year-old crab discovered trapped inside amber
DNA tangles can help predict evolution of mutations
Instagram censors biologist for posting evidence showing biological men are stronger;utm_campaign=usa
Were the dinosaurs cold-blooded?
This mom found an insane list on her woke son's laptop where he listed the "sins" his classmates had committed (related Slate article When kids become vigilantes: parenting advice from Care and Feeding. (
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image credit: ktsimage
Getty #1186615180
Up Next in 2021: October - December
11/08 Who Twists God's Word for Abort...
World media cover big TikTok snake video; Feminist religious leaders re-translate one verse and ignore the rest of Scripture . . . and other stories reviewed during this November 8, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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For the time is coming when people will not endure sound t... -
11/17 Did That Baby Have a Tail?
Mojo sells toys with evolutionary misinformation; "Race Cars" helps 7-year-olds adopt Critical Race Theory; VP Harris asks if NASA satellite data on trees shows environmental justice; Evolutionists try again with homology; College students sue school over discrimination against guest speaker; Abo...
11/22 Would Jesus Be Woke?
Record setting premie is doing well; NSW law recognises humnaity of unborn children; Biologists try to measure natural selection in chickadees; Politician tweets about Jesus (and male and female); Australian guide finds rare jawless eel; Media revisit discoveries from Antarctic ice cores . . . an...