Answers News
03/07 Christian Doctors FORCED to offer Assisted Suicide Resources
Season 17, Episode 8
New California regulations face backlash! Doctors who object assisted suicide are being forced to refer patients to a physician who is willing to provide the treatment. In this Answers News broadcast, our hosts give a biblical perspective on the matter.
The objecting physician would have to educate the patient about aid-in-dying medication and procedures and transfer the patient's files to another doctor who would provide the treatment.‚ - Mark A. Kellner
You shall not murder.‚ (Exodus 20:13)
Aired on March 7, 2022
1. Bearbnb: Polar bears make themselves at home in abandoned village
2. Christian docs' group: Calif. law an attempt to make morally opposed physicians assist in suicides
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5. How Plants Evolved To Colonize Land over 500 Million Years Ago
6. Christian docs' group: Calif. law an attempt to make morally opposed physicians assist in suicides
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8. Texas gov. declares transgender drugs and surgeries are child abuse, orders investigations;utm_campaign=usa
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