The United Nations' recent legal recommendations have received much backlash for seemingly attempting to normalize pedophilia. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Jennifer Rivera, Bryan Osborne, and Avery Foley share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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oh, let the evil of the wicked come to an end, and may you establish the righteous‚ you who test the minds and hearts, o righteous God! (Psalm 7:9 ESV)
New UN-backed legal recommendations normalize sex with minors, outraged critics say
Parents in The Netherlands can now agree to euthanize their terminally ill children under 12 to end 'unbearable suffering'
oregon's Ban on Christians Adopting Violates The First Amendment ‚ And Good Sense
95 million-year-old land bridge across Antarctica carried dinosaurs between continents
Taking a lesson in evolutionary adaptation from octopus, squid
Elon Musk says Google co-founder wanted to build AI 'digital god'
Up Next in 2023: April - June
Answers News for April 17, 2023
Recently, United States representative Ted Lieu posted a very misleading image that is causing some people to believe 9-week-old fetuses are not human beings. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Tim Chaffey, Kaia Kloster, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believi...
Answers News for April 10, 2023
If God is good, why do animals have to suffer? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Ken Ham, Georgia Purdom, and Kaia Kloster share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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So God created the great sea creatures ...
Answers News for April 3, 2023
Scientists have recently grown wooly mammoth meat in a lab and turned it into a meatball. These same scientists want more people to start eating lab-grown meat in order to fight climate change. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Avery Foley, Jessica Jaworski, and Patricia Engler share the...