Same sex couple carries miracle baby; Australian prime minister blasts transgender nonsense; evidence of flooding on early Mars; and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
Up Next in 2018: October - December
11/15 Atheist Pastor Keeps Pulpit
Atheist pastor keeps pulpit; star has origins close to Big Bang; acoustic camouflage fur helps moths escape bats; most kiwis support euthanasia; and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
11/19 Responding to Matt Walsh
We are responding to Matt Walsh in today's Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience. But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness a...
11/26 Man Sues to Lower His Age 20 Years
Man sues to lower his age 20 years; biologists create cells from scratch; Christian student senator harassed for abstaining from pro-LGBTQ vote; and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.