Answers News
29 Seasons
Watch Answers News LIVE Monday at 2 pm ET on Facebook and Youtube
5 pm ET on Answers.TV
Join our hosts for a look at culture and science news through the lens of a biblical worldview. Answers News is designed to help Christians think Biblically about what they hear and see in popular culture, pointing people back to the authority of God’s Word in every area of their lives.
35:09Episode 1
4/01 Be Fruitful and Multiply
Episode 1
Couple accidentally buys decrepit old mansion; UK denies asylum to Iranian Christian because Christianity is "violent"; Ancient humans used monkey bones as tools; Poisonous gas indicates alien life; Confused adults seek parenthood-indecision therapists . . . and more in today's episode of Answers...
4/11 The Lord God Brought Her to the Man
Episode 4
Indian squirrels go viral; Soft childhood food may lead to impacted wisdom teeth; Activist who redefined marriage now wants options; Wheaton profs release evolutionary creationism text about God's two books; Cognitive biologists study a few cats; Professors speculate about origin of RNA and DNA; ...
34:17Episode 5
4/15 New Human Species Found
Episode 5
Deaf frogs glow; Professor says UFos come from future; Yale Law discriminates against minority viewpoint in the name of tolerance; Filipino cave bones challenge out-of-Africa dogma . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast from the Creation Museum.
32:27Episode 6
4/18 When to Use the Bible
Episode 6
Pro-infanticide, but anti-animal cruelty, When to use the Bible, Billboard promotes murder, redefining historical figures, a many-armed sea monster . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast from the Ark Encounter with Ken Ham and Dr. Georgia Purdom.
36:02Episode 7
4/22 Catastrophic Volcanoes
Episode 7
German lab techs test teeth and prove lab's founder was wrong about human ancestors; Israeli professors publish theory linking neanderthals and woolly mammoths; Lecturer in cognitive science looks at wasps to explain human will; Chimps feel animals are people too; Cincinnati professors say mercur...
33:45Episode 10
5/02 The oldest South American Footprint
Episode 10
United Methodists near split, Kneebone makes comeback, People go on "birth strikes", out of Africa theory of origins challenged, and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
36:08Episode 14
5/16 Baby=Human=Person
Episode 14
Robertson denies 6,000 year old universe; Nye says killer asteroid is coming; Aussie bureaucrats find Mother's Day offensive; Meteorite used to tell stardust stories; Supreme Court case over men's clothing; Quinn insists babies in utero are not human . . . and more during today's episode of Answe...
36:38Episode 16
5/23 Hawaiian Birds Evolve Fast
Episode 16
Chilean lawmakers consider legalizing teen suicide; Hawaiian birds trick evolutionists into conceding rapid speciation; US birth rates hit record low; ontario rules Christian doctors must offer abortions and euthanasia . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the C...
35:29Episode 18
6/03 Billion-Year-old Fungus?
Episode 18
Raccoon dog terrorizes village; First photo of white panda; Graduate student speculates about microfossil; Naturalists misinterpret Flood debris rafts; Gucci fashion show features abortion; Researchers use ribosome profiling to discover mini-proteins in our hearts; Senolytics removes old cells to...
34:39Episode 21
6/13 Dead Fish Mystery Solved
Episode 21
Godzilla evolves; Frogs need elephants; Brisbane Catholics misgender God; opal miner's children donate fossils; Dead fish mystery solved; Toronto pastor arrested for street preaching; Miley sells $175 hoodies to support infanticide . . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcas...
32:31Episode 23
6/20 God's Handiwork: Complex Fungi
Episode 23
Woods road-trip will break record; CBC indoctrinates children; Plants trade resources with fungi; Researcher publish just-so stories about broken rocks and ancient man; PTA president performs in drag at primary school; Evolutionists change cell origin story again . . . . and more during today's e...
34:26Episode 24
6/24 Destroying Beauty
Episode 24
Scientist mistakes dog breeding for evolution; Writer uses Noah's Ark headline to market sea urchin research; Medical business recommends cheap abortion instead of expensive spinal surgery; Candidate wants to keep pro-life people out of government; Professor Trapp proposes "relatively simple" way...
33:18Episode 25
6/27 Opposites Attract?!?
Episode 25
Corsican cat-fox is a cat; Pakistani politician is not a cat; Dead woman kills dog; Authors insist male/female attraction is dehumanizing; Science editor thinks smartphone users look down more than book readers; Drag queen teaches church kids; Bacteria more complicated than evolutionists expected...