Bryan Osborne: Why Won't They Listen: Revealing the Unknown God (2021)
Answers with Bryan Osborne
The Gospel message never changes, but missionaries seek to contextualize that message in different cultures in order to make it more understandable and to better demolish the strongholds preventing the hearers from accepting it. Walk through the book of Acts to see a biblical example of how the Apostles adapted to the various cultures the early church dealt with in order to better share the Gospel and what that means for us today.
Up Next in Answers with Bryan Osborne
Tracing the Gospel through History Be...
Bryan Osborne, Answers in Genesis speaker, presents at the Answers Easter Event.
The Age of the Earth: Thousands or Mi...
Thousands or billions, does it really matter? Haven't scientists proved the universe is billions of years old? So why not just squeeze billions of years into the Bible? God can do anything right, maybe He used billions of years. Besides, isn't it just a side issue and unrelated the gospel message...
7 C's Creation Cube Training
Bryan Osborne explains how to use the Creation Evangelism Cube to reveal the Bible's 7 C's of History.
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