Earth Battles: How old is It? Vol. I The Grand Canyon
Apologetics with Ken Ham
Is Earth 4.3 Billion Years old as establishment scientists claim?
"Earth Battles: How old Is It?" reviews geologic evidence from the Grand Canyon and finds that the evidence is not ambiguous but very clearly points to a young Earth. The evidence points overwhelmingly in favor of world-wide catastrophic processes not the slow and gradual processes that long-age geologists claim. This documentary includes beautiful 3D animation videos while explaining the Biblical Flood Model for the formation of Earth's basement rock and sedimentary fossil-filled layers.
Up Next in Apologetics with Ken Ham
Divided Nation at HEAV '21 - Ken Ham
After Ken's presentation "Raising Generations to Survive the Destructive Tornado of Secularism" he took several questions from the audience.
originally broadcast on Friday June 11, 2021 as part of the annual conference hosted by the Home Educators Association of Virginia.
Creation and the Last Days - Ken Ham
Do you know the connection between Creation and the last days? Bestselling author Ken Ham reveals how millions of years‚ has infested the church and is part of the fulfillment of prophecies recorded in 2 Peter 3.
Don't Undermine God's Word - Ken Ham
Why Disconnecting our Theology from the Foundations in Genesis 1-11 Undermines the Authority of Scripture