Part 4: Ken Ham gives helpful insights into the reasons for the decline of Creation Ministry, which started with attacks on issues like the age of the earth and the accuracy of the history in Genesis. Ken shares how churches and individuals can stand against destructive, evolution-based ideas and successfully rebuild the foundation of biblical authority in our culture.
Up Next in Apologetics with Ken Ham
Science Confirms The Bible
In this presentation, Ken Ham tackles the biggest creation/evolution questions that he's constantly asked by teens. over a dozen hot topics‚ are answered with the humor and intensity that has made this Australian-born educator one of the most-requested Christian speakers in America.
Why Genesis Matters for a Biblical Wo...
Sexuality is grounded in God's original design of male and female and the unique one-flesh union of marriage between one man and one woman. Without the foundation of a literal Genesis, we're lost.
Genesis, Science, and the Culture War
Ken Ham and Dr. Georgia Purdom spoke in a packed auditorium at the University of Central oklahoma about cultural issues and the battle of foundations.
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