Apologetics with Ken Ham

Apologetics with Ken Ham

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis and its two popular attractions: the acclaimed Creation Museum and the internationally known Ark Encounter, which features a life-size 510-foot-long Noah’s Ark—sometimes described as the “8th Wonder of the Modern World.” Ken is a much-in-demand Christian speaker and interview guest, and he hosts the daily radio program Answers, now on 1,000 stations. He is a prolific blogger and author of more than 30 books.

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Apologetics with Ken Ham
  • One Blood, One Race: The Origin of “Races” (2021)

    Because much of the church has adopted the secular world’s teachings regarding the different “races” and has not accepted the Biblical view, most Christians have lost a vital truth concerning the Scriptural teaching on the two spiritual races (but only one physical race), as opposed to the false ...

  • Universe Battles: Big Bang or Big Design?

    Universe Battles provides numerous observable evidences that the Solar System is not billions of years old.


    Cassini was a complex exploratory spacecraft launch from NASA in 1997. Its mission was to study Saturn and its rings and moons. One of the many surprisi...

  • The Great Delusion - Ken Ham

    Filled with alarming video segments, this presentation illustrates clear biblical warnings. Discover why Ken Ham believes that America is now under judgment—the wrath of God described in Romans 1. God is judging America for its rebellion and wickedness. But the good news is we can do something!

  • Earth Battles: How Old is It? Vol. I The Grand Canyon

    Is Earth 4.3 Billion Years Old as establishment scientists claim?

    "Earth Battles: How Old Is It?" reviews geologic evidence from the Grand Canyon and finds that the evidence is not ambiguous but very clearly points to a young Earth. The evidence points overwhelmingly in favor of world-wide catas...

  • Divided Nation at HEAV '21 - Ken Ham

    After Ken's presentation "Raising Generations to Survive the Destructive Tornado of Secularism" he took several questions from the audience.

    Originally broadcast on Friday June 11, 2021 as part of the annual conference hosted by the Home Educators Association of Virginia.


  • Creation and the Last Days - Ken Ham

    Do you know the connection between Creation and the last days? Bestselling author Ken Ham reveals how “millions of years” has infested the church and is part of the fulfillment of prophecies recorded in 2 Peter 3.

  • Don’t Undermine God’s Word - Ken Ham

    Why Disconnecting Our Theology from the Foundations in Genesis 1-11 Undermines the Authority of Scripture

  • Ken Ham: Divided Nation

    Join Ken Ham as he looks at our divided nation. They claim they threw religion out. But they threw Christianity out and replaced it with a different religion. Can the church regain a position of influence among young people seeking “truth” while rejecting God’s Word?

  • Stop Trusting Man’s Word

    Ken Ham challenges Christians to hold a high view of Scripture—all of Scripture.

  • Ken Ham: Will They Stand: Parenting Kids to Face the Giants

    Ken Ham gives us a powerful message about the importance of raising strong believers who can stand in the face of a world that will challenge, disparage, and seek to eliminate their faith. An essential for every Christian parent!

  • Genesis: The Key to Reclaiming the Culture

    Ken Ham’s most popular talk on the relevance of Genesis, this presentation is a challenge to the church that explains why a belief in a literal Genesis is so important.

  • How to Commun the Christian Message to a Culture with/Wrong Foundation - Ken Ham

    The battle in our culture is over two foundations: God’s Word vs. man’s word. How do we effective share the gospel and biblical truth to a culture built on sand? With Ken Ham.

  • Already Gone - Ken Ham

    According to the statistics, a huge disconnect is taking place between our children and their church experience. Recorded live, popular speaker Ken Ham reveals the trends and calls the church to action!

  • 11 AM - Cultures in Chaos Featuring Ken Ham

    Ken Ham speaking at BJU’s 2021 STAND (Sound Teaching About Navigating Decisions) Conference on the theme of Cultures in Chaos. https://stand.bju.edu/

  • The Need for Creation Ministry, Part 1 - Ken Ham

    Part 1: Ken Ham gives helpful insights into the reasons for the decline of Creation Ministry, which started with attacks on issues like the age of the earth and the accuracy of the history in Genesis. Ken shares how churches and individuals can stand against destructive, evolution-based ideas and...

  • The Need for Creation Ministry, Part 2 - Ken Ham

    Part 2: Ken Ham gives helpful insights into the reasons for the decline of Creation Ministry, which started with attacks on issues like the age of the earth and the accuracy of the history in Genesis. Ken shares how churches and individuals can stand against destructive, evolution-based ideas and...

  • The Need for Creation Ministry, Part 3 - Ken Ham

    Part 3: Ken Ham gives helpful insights into the reasons for the decline of Creation Ministry, which started with attacks on issues like the age of the earth and the accuracy of the history in Genesis. Ken shares how churches and individuals can stand against destructive, evolution-based ideas and...

  • The Need for Creation Ministry, Part 4 - Ken Ham

    Part 4: Ken Ham gives helpful insights into the reasons for the decline of Creation Ministry, which started with attacks on issues like the age of the earth and the accuracy of the history in Genesis. Ken shares how churches and individuals can stand against destructive, evolution-based ideas and...

  • Science Confirms The Bible

    In this presentation, Ken Ham tackles the biggest creation/evolution questions that he’s constantly asked by teens. Over a dozen “hot topics” are answered with the humor and intensity that has made this Australian-born educator one of the most-requested Christian speakers in America.

  • Why Genesis Matters for a Biblical Worldview of Sexuality - Ken Ham

    Sexuality is grounded in God’s original design of male and female and the unique one-flesh union of marriage between one man and one woman. Without the foundation of a literal Genesis, we’re lost.

  • Genesis, Science, and the Culture War

    Ken Ham and Dr. Georgia Purdom spoke in a packed auditorium at the University of Central Oklahoma about cultural issues and the battle of foundations.

  • Genesis, Foundations, and Races, Part 1 - Ken Ham

    Genetics confirms there biologically only one race of humans. Ken Ham presents part one of "Genesis, Foundations, and Races."

  • Genesis, Foundations, and Races, Part 2 - Ken Ham

    Darwin, evolution, and racism—and the biblical answer.

  • Go Into All the World, Part 1 - Ken Ham

    Part 1: Using the example of the Apostle Paul's address before the Areopagus in Acts 17, Ham demonstrates how to present the real history found in Genesis as the foundation for truly rewarding evangelism efforts. Communicating the true history of the Bible is key. Only then will a biblically illi...