Behind the Scenes with Ken Ham
3 Seasons
Join Ken Ham, CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis, as he goes behind-the-scenes of Answers in Genesis, the Ark Encounter, and the Creation Museum.
S1E47 Encounter the Wonder (2019)
Prepare to be captivated as a world-class animated program delivers a powerful message of hope for all.
18:31Episode 1
S1E1 Pizza Dough in a Bag
Episode 1
We're visiting a local bakery again (that supplies goods to the Ark) for my second lesson on becoming a junior baker. Two kids teach me how to do this.
S1E2 Exciting Turnouts in Latin American Countries
Episode 2
Exciting turnouts in Latin American countries. Learn how Answers in Genesis is helping to equip people to defend God's Word and the Gospel in Spanish speaking communities.
S1E3 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Exhibit
Episode 3
Catch a sneak peek of the Sanctity of Life exhibit for Creation Museum. See our sculptor's incredible models of a child developing in the womb.
32:00Episode 4
S1E4 Stargazer Planetarium
Episode 4
Be some of the first in the world to see our planetarium upgrade as our VP of AV, Ben Wilt, and I walk you through it.
26:30Episode 5
S1E5 New Relevance of Genesis Exhibit
Episode 5
Join us as we go where no one gets to go. See hidden treasures in the new Relevance of Genesis exhibit at the Creation Museum.
31:32Episode 6
S1E6 Answer in Genesis offices
Episode 6
See the inner workings of AiG, and go behind the scenes where most of the office staff work.
39:21Episode 7
S1E7 Archeology Confirms the Bible
Episode 7
Fascinating archeological finds that address biblical accounts and events.
27:51Episode 8
S1E8 Special Effects 4D Theater
Episode 8
How does 4D work? Fascinating facts on how our 4D theater works at the Creation Museum.
26:24Episode 9
S1E9 Secret Ark Room and More
Episode 9
Special behind the scenes tour with Ken Ham at the Ark Encounter.
24:09Episode 10
S1E10 Making Donuts
Episode 10
Making donuts. Christians can have fun baking too!
23:27Episode 11
S1E11 Bread in a Bag!
Episode 11
I'm visiting a local bakery that supplies goods for the restaurant at the Ark, and two kids teach me how to make bread in a bag. This will be my first lesson on becoming a junior baker!
33:24Episode 12
S1E12 Biblical Authority Exhibit
Episode 12
Meet an artist who will give fascinating background insights to the new Biblical Authority exhibit at the Creation Museum.
21:14Episode 13
S1E13 Bickies or Cookies?
Episode 13
Bickies or cookies? See what we are making today at Beans' Bakery. (Please don't laugh at my hair net.)
21:40Episode 14
S1E14 Making Donut Holes
Episode 14
Four different types of donut holes are included on the dessert bar at Emzara's
S1E15 Doors, Evangelism, and Coffee Beans: Behind-the-scenes Ark Tour
Episode 15
Doors, evangelism, and coffee beans. A fascinating behind-the-scenes tour at the Ark Encounter. See if you know the doors of the Bible!
20:44Episode 16
S1E16 Secrets of Movie Making
Episode 16
Secrets of movie making. See the sets, hear about the props, and how the cinematography was accomplished for our video portraits in the Biblical Authority room at the Creation Museum.
14:00Episode 17
S1E17 Cricket or baseball?
Episode 17
Cricket or baseball? Having fun with Bodie, Ken, and his grandson as they teach you pointers on baseball.
22:33Episode 19
S1E19 Ark Has Gone Green
Episode 19
Ark has gone GREEN. Why green? Find out...
11:07Episode 20
S1E20 Ray Comfort and Ken Sharing Scripture
Episode 20
Ray Comfort and Ken sharing scripture and having fun together with their unique sense of humor.
27:25Episode 21
S1E21 Tour of the Answers Center
Episode 21
Behind the scenes tour of the Answers Center. Go where the public can't go.
S1E22 Dioramas Secrets Revealed at the Ark Encounter
Episode 22
Behind the scenes tour of the Answers Center. Dioramas secrets at the Ark Encounter are revealed.
S1E23 Ark Noah Language: Learn How to Decipher It
Episode 23
Ark Noah language, learn how to decipher it before your next trip to the Ark Encounter. Another fascinating behind the scenes tour.
our Ark Encounter educational guide has the decipher to read the language in the Ark!
S1E24 Learn How the Massive LED Screen Works at the Ark Encounter
Episode 24
Learn how the massive LED screen works at the Ark Encounter in this fascinating behind-the-scenes look at this marvel of technology.