Claire survived being killed in the womb. Her twin did not. Ken talks with Claire Culwell about adoption, abortion, and the love of Jesus, who transforms people and cultures.
Claire's website:
Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Kit:
Up Next in Behind The Scenes
S2E14 Israel in the Time of Jesus Exh...
Join us as we open "BoRDERLAND: Israel at the Time of Jesus" our newest exhibit at the Creation Museum.
S2E15 Ark Encounter 5th Anniversary
President Joe Boone and founder Ken Ham celebrate the five-year anniversary of the Ark Encounter. Filmed in the Answers Center, this presentation reviews major milestones at the attraction, then looks at some of our plans for the future.
S2E16 Alex Kendrick & Ken Ham at Arar...
Join actor and director Alex Kendrick and Ken Ham as they pet a wallaby, see baby emus, and check out a few of the 200+ animals at Ararat Ridge Zoo with Animal Presenter Karina Altman at the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky. Alex and Ken also discuss the upcoming red carpet movie screening of C...