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Up Next in January, 2022

  • The Heart of Pharaoh; Exodus 8-10

    The ten plagues of Egypt were ten judgments of God that could have been avoided if Pharaoh had obeyed God through Moses. Pharaoh was of the belief that he was God. This helps explain why his heart was hard against the God of his slaves. He was not interested in losing their valuable labor. He bel...

  • The Passover Lamb; Exodus 11-13

    The LORD spoke to ancient Israel about what actions they must take for death to pass over their households. God's judgment was coming on Egypt in the tenth plague. Today we live in the time of the grace of Jesus Christ. That means that we have opportunity to come to God in repentance. one day how...

  • Is the LORD Among Us?; Exodus 14-17

    We hear it all the time from people who are frustrated and impatient: Is the LORD with us or not?‚ Why won't the LORD do miracles?‚ But we learn from Scripture that God's time does not flow like our felt needs move. In many ways, we are tempted to call on God for our felt needs, rather than trust...