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Up Next in January, 2022

  • Is the LORD Among Us?; Exodus 14-17

    We hear it all the time from people who are frustrated and impatient: Is the LORD with us or not?‚ Why won't the LORD do miracles?‚ But we learn from Scripture that God's time does not flow like our felt needs move. In many ways, we are tempted to call on God for our felt needs, rather than trust...

  • Priestly Garments; Exodus 26-29

    Most ancient religions had specific things that they would wear to convey meaning and worship. The Hebrews were no different, they too were commanded to make specific garments for the priests. While the idea was not unique to Israel, the design and meanings of the outfits were unique. on a base l...

  • Atonement Money; Exodus 30-32

    The census offering in the book of Exodus is very interesting. Whenever a census of the Israelites was taken, everyone who was twenty years old and older had to pay a half-shekel as an atonement offering. This offering money could only be used for the operation of the Tent Tabernacle. This moneta...