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Up Next in October, 2022

  • John's Doubt in Weakness; Luke 7-8

    "John the Baptist was a great man called of God. Jesus spoke of him in a positive and powerful way. Jesus explained the importance of John's ministry as the messenger ahead of Him and told the people, For I say to you, among those born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist...

  • Who Is Jesus Christ?; Luke 9-10

    "Since Jesus' life is known about historically, the most important question to ask about His existence is was He the Christ? Many religions have concocted different ideas about Jesus Christ that point to a failure on His part to be the LORD. Through the years, many have taught that Jesus was anyt...

  • Demonic Authority; Luke 11-12

    "The spiritual world is real. Authority in the spiritual world is real and affects the way we operate in the material world. In fact, many of the material things we see happening today are because the authority in the spiritual world has shifted. When people who are not truly Christians are in co...