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Up Next in November, 2022

  • Discipline of the LORD; 1 Corinthians...

    "Too often we think we have the answers to our problems when we really don't. No one has the answer to the problem of sin in the world except Jesus Christ. Paul talks with the church at Corinth and confronts them about their arrogance. His words are hard and direct. This complex yet essential pas...

  • A Meaningful Marriage; 1 Corinthians 7-9

    "The ancient city of Corinth was a known for its moral decadence. Paul had started a church of the LORD Jesus Christ there and found that much of the culture had made its way into the church causing a great rift among believers. Paul speaks to the church at Corinth about the principles of marriag...

  • Concern for others; 1 Corinthians 10-12

    "Paul writes to the people of Corinth as he would to his own sons and daughters. It is very personal. Still today, we should read the First Book of Corinthians the way Paul wrote it because the Holy Spirit ordained and preserved it for us to understand. Many people fight for their rights and free...