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Up Next in November, 2022

  • Difficulty in Leadership; Galatians 1-2

    "Paul writes to the churches in Galatia about his trouble in the leadership of Jerusalem. It
    is here that we learn about a confrontation Paul has with Peter, mentioned nowhere else
    in the New Testament. Paul writes to the Galatians because their relationship with Jesus
    Christ deviated to a rigid ...

  • Paul Speaks Truth; Galatians 5-6

    "There are many times in the New Testament when the churches fall out of favour with God
    and delve into lies. Paul often challenges believers and confronts those who have fallen away
    from the faith with direct truth. That is what we see happening as we study Galatians 5. We
    hear Paul speak the tr...

  • Christ is the Way; Galatians 3-4

    "Paul continues his conversation with the Galatians. He is very honest and comes across
    very perturbed, angry even. Paul was a very passionate man. Emotion was never absent
    from Paul's letters when he would explain the way Jesus Christ gave His life to save the
    human race. In Galatians 3, Paul cl...