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Up Next in November, 2022

  • Living for the LORD; Romans 11-12

    "As followers of Jesus Christ, we often say things to each other that only we understand as Christians, but these statements may not make sense to those who are not. A good example of this is when we say that we live for the LORD'. What do we mean by that? Explaining our lifestyle or hope in God...

  • Divisions in the Church; 1 Corinthian...

    "Jesus Christ first introduces the Church in Matthew 16:18, saying the Ekklesia or Church would be built, and the gates of hell would not come against it. God planned on the Church being a strong spiritual army rising against the strongholds of hell. The power of Christ is the preeminent strength...

  • Discipline of the LORD; 1 Corinthians...

    "Too often we think we have the answers to our problems when we really don't. No one has the answer to the problem of sin in the world except Jesus Christ. Paul talks with the church at Corinth and confronts them about their arrogance. His words are hard and direct. This complex yet essential pas...