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Up Next in December, 2022

  • Scripture is Critical; 2 Timothy 1-4

    "There are several 3:16 passages of Scripture that are important. Here's an example of what I mean: John 3:16 is crucial to the definition of the Good News of Jesus Christ, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everl...

  • The Church at Crete; Titus 1-3

    "Paul's letter to Titus is similar to the letters he wrote to Timothy regarding the structure of the Church and the behaviour that should characterize church leadership. The qualifications of church leadership given to Titus are exactly the same as in 1 Timothy 3. Paul speaks about leadership abi...

  • The New Covenant; Hebrews 5-8

    "The word covenant means a binding agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons, to do or not do something specific. God uses the term covenant in a unique way. While God honours His covenants because He is perfect and holy, we cannot honour our covenants with
    Him because of sin. The au...