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Up Next in March, 2022

  • Shaky Faith; Judges 18 - 21

    "In its ancient context, Ruth is a story of love and devotion. It takes place during the time of the judges, when God selected individuals to lead His people, before Israel set a king over them. It is here that we meet Ruth. She was a Moabite widow who discovered and knew God uniquely. She marrie...

  • Love & Devotion; Ruth 1 - 4

    "How is God's will communicated to His people? This remains a big mystery to many people. The answer to that comes when we begin to understand who God's people are; have they grown, and do they know what the LORD is saying? If not, the will of God will seem alien and
    different to the common solut...

  • God's Word; 1 Samuel 1 - 4

    "Governments can be good, and governments can be bad. In the West, we have selected a democracy-style government to try to mitigate corruption. However, even democracies can turn out poorly. The Bible teaches us that the only solution to our human problems come
    from us turning to God. The people ...