Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2022)
For Such a Time; Esther 1-4
Season 4, Episode 21
"one of the challenges of being in exile is the very real danger of becoming a victim of hate. Hate is not something that should be natural to humans; it comes from our unchecked sin. In the book of Esther, we meet Hadassah, a young Jewish orphan who had been taken in and raised by her relative Mordecai during the exile of the Jews. We learn much through the lives of Hadassah and Mordecai. We are able to see that even in the face of annihilation, many of the Jews remained faithful to their God. We can see God's hand moving in these unusual circumstances within a foreign land. Hadassah literally wins her way into the king's palace as
queen. She is renamed Esther, a Persian name derived from the name of the famous goddess Ishtar. Without ever mentioning God directly, the book of Esther is a remarkable story about God's timely deliverance and the redemption of His people from destructive hate. This book brings us a message of hope and encouragement, we can trust in God's unchanging character.
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