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Up Next in April, 2022

  • King Josiah; 2 Kings 20-23

    "Josiah was a remarkable young king. When challenged by anyone who opposed him, his response was direct and pointed. He knew that God was with him because he was seeking the ways of the LORD. As Judah's 18th king, Josiah made a deep and personal commitment to return the kingdom to the LORD God. H...

  • The Fall of the Temple; 2 Kings 24-25

    "It was the eleventh year of Judah's 22nd king, Zedekiah. He was an evil king. Zedekiah resisted the Babylonians whom God had chosen to discipline Judah for their evil acts. There are more details in the Chronicles, which we will begin reading tomorrow. The Chronicles will go over the history of ...

  • Family Names; 1 Chronicles 1-5

    "The books of 1 and 2 Chronicles cover the same period of time as 2 Samuel to 2 Kings, and give us an extensive list of family names. First Chronicles records the genealogies and looks at the reign of King David. Second Chronicles focuses on the kings of Judah who came after David up to the exile...