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Up Next in April, 2022

  • Coming Back to God; 2 Chronicles 33-36

    "After Hezekiah's reign, Judah experienced a string of evil kings. Hezekiah's son Manasseh came into power when he was twelve years old. The Bible outlines the evil that King Manasseh did. Eventually, Manasseh was humbled and corrected, but unfortunately the damage of his 55 years in power was do...

  • Setting Watch; Nehemiah 1-4

    "The book of Nehemiah is the historical continuation of the book of Ezra. It records the restoration not only of Jerusalem under Nehemiah's leadership, but also the restoration of the people. Nehemiah lived in ancient Persia and held the prestigious and trusted position of cup-bearer to the king....

  • Restoring Jerusalem; Nehemiah 5-7

    "The most physically impressive part of a conquering war is to firmly take control of the enemy land. However, the most challenging and important part is then how to run the conquered land well. James 4 tells us that fights and wars come from the heart. our battles come primarily from selfishness...