Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2022)

Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2022)

12 Seasons

New episodes five days each week, Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show is designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.

We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.

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Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2022)
  • Jesus Christ; Isaiah 9-11

    Episode 1

    "There are many prophetic words used to describe the message and meaning of Jesus Christ in the book of Isaiah. Today's reading is a great example. Jesus' job description comes to us from across time and space. Isaiah prophesied around 750 BC, meaning about 750 years before Christ was even born. ...

  • Babylon Has Fallen; Isaiah 18-21

    Episode 2

    "When trying to interpret Biblical prophesies, timing really is everything. Prophetic studies are complicated and delicate and should be treated with great caution. Isaiah 21 tells of the fall of Babylon and decrees of God made against Edom and Arabia. The word Babylon means gate of the gods‚ or ...

  • Change; Isaiah 22-24

    Episode 3

    The LORD continues to speak through the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah is often called the royal prophet because he was related to the Kings of Judah. This prestige likely gave him a wide audience, and perhaps lent an edge of sharpness to his prophecies. Though Isaiah lived about 750 years before Christ,...

  • A Song of Salvation; Isaiah 25-27

    Episode 4

    "I like to say that music is the sound of our souls! We can communicate feeling and deep emotive themes when we use music along with spoken word. Even if we don't have musical ability or a great singing voice ourselves, we are still able to learn ideas and memorize more easily with the aid of mus...

  • God Assigns His Work; Isaiah 28-29

    Episode 5

    "Christians recognize that each person is called by God in some way. Even the actions of people intent on evil will be used by God to accomplish His work. There's a lot that we don't see in our reality. It is easy to see the actions and results of human free will, but harder to see God's hand alw...

  • A Prayer in Distress; Isaiah 30-33

    Episode 6

    "Woe to you who plunder, though you have not been plundered‚ ( I SAIAH 33:1). This is how the prayer begins, as Isaiah breaths out the image given to him from God's Holy Spirit. Prayers are very important when we see, read and hear prophecy. In today's reading assignment we begin with a compariso...

  • Life; Isaiah 38-40

    Episode 7

    "Most people live their lives for the here and now. They set goals, plan their future, but don't take much time to consider what will come after this life ends. The follower of Jesus Christ thinks differently than most people in the world. They are aware of how God ignites their eternal, forever ...

  • God's Choice; Isaiah 41-42

    Episode 8

    "one of the most frequent beliefs in today's worldwide culture is that humans have free will and that this should be protected. Most recognize and celebrate the ability to choose freely, but very few think about the free will of others. To be able to have the freedom to choose is also to accept t...

  • Unfaithful Israel; Isaiah 43-44

    Episode 9

    "Even though we may doubt it at times, God is dealing with everyone on the planet. History shows us that just as with people, there will be nations who reject God, and other nations that embrace Him. Regardless, God works. We are currently living in a time of tumultuous world history; our global ...

  • Time & Chance; Isaiah 45-47

    Episode 10

    "While it is often said that time heals all wounds and that humans are often the victims of chance, we would be wise to remember that God is the Creator of everything and is still an active force in the world. God is not a God of chance. Though things take time to heal, true healing comes only fr...

  • No Peace for the Wicked; Isaiah 48-50

    Episode 11

    "It is God who gives us peace. There are many ways that humanity seeks and strives for a warless world, but the Bible tells us that the only way to real peace is through Jesus Christ. That is because peace begins in the heart. If our heart is right with God, then God is able to heal us and speak ...

  • Humility; Isaiah 57-29

    Episode 12

    "There is nothing more destructive to our spirit than rebellion. It is the essence of sin. The reason we sin is because of our rebellion. When we are faced with the reality of Jesus Christ we are faced with a decision we must make. Do we accept Him as the LORD of our life and allow Him to change ...

  • Rebellion; Isaiah 60-63

    Episode 13

    "There is nothing more destructive to our spirit than rebellion. It is the essence of sin. The reason we sin is because of our rebellion. When we are faced with the reality of Jesus Christ we are faced with a decision we must make. Do we accept Him as the LORD of our life and allow Him to change ...

  • Because of our Iniquities; Isaiah 64-66

    Episode 14

    "Unfortunately, by ourselves, there is nothing that we can do or think that is right with God. our human righteousness is regarded as filthiness to the LORD. This is because of our fallen condition. There is nothing in our life on this earth that can make us great in God's sight. It's easy for us...

  • Backsliding? - Jeremiah 1-3

    Episode 15

    "In Jeremiah 3, we see God dealing with the unfaithfulness of Judah and Israel. He would bring them into judgment through the Babylonian exile, but this was not the end. God's restoration work would apply to them once they repented, acknowledged their guilt, and called on God. There is question t...

  • The Word of the LORD; Jeremiah 4-6

    Episode 16

    "It seems to me that few people in the Western nations listen to the Word of God. I believe that the reason we are in the state we are in today is because we have drifted from the LORD by ignoring His Word. Those of us who know this and adjust our prayer lives and discipline our time to read the ...

  • What is a Prophet?; Jeremiah 14-16

    Episode 17

    "There will come a time when we will no longer be able to pray for those who have chosen to reject God. That is why it is a good idea for Christians to spend time praying now. Soon the LORD will take us away and the tribulation will surface. Someone will appear on the world scene like a great her...

  • The High Standard; Jeremiah 17-19

    Episode 18

    "The LORD God is the originator of life. There is nothing living that does not owe its existence to God. This concept of God as ultimate Creator changes the way we believe in and trust in Him. God is life, without Him there is no life. Some people believe that life did not have an intelligent cau...

  • God Speaks To Jerusalem; Jeremiah 20-22

    Episode 19

    "The LORD God always tells His people what He expects from them. As Christians, we recognize that Jesus Christ set a path for us, His teachings and the commentary of the
    New Testament outline what is required of us. We know through His life and teachings that humanity has fallen into a sin-filled...

  • God Speaks the Future; Jeremiah 23-25

    Episode 20

    "one of the reasons the Bible is considered to contain the voice of God is because of its amazing prophecy. Its ability to foretell certain and specific events centuries before they happen. God is above time, He knows the beginning, the middle, and the end of all things. He created time and space...

  • False Prophets; Jeremiah 26-28

    Episode 21

    "Most people love the attention of man. Some do crazy things to attract attention. We have been taught through life experience that a great way to grab and keep attention is to say or do something popular or spectacular. What television, radio, internet, or live event does not consider the audien...

  • July, 2022 Bible Discovery Guide: Isaiah - Jeremiah

    5.13 MB