Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2022)

Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2022)

12 Seasons

New episodes five days each week, Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show is designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.

We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.

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Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2022)
  • God's Judgment of Sin; Hosea 8-11

    Episode 1

    "The name Hosea not only means salvation' but can also mean deliverance'. This is fitting since the prophet Hosea was a dynamic writer and minister of the Word of God. No matter what came his way, or how bad it may have looked at times, Hosea's life was wholly dedicated to following what God sa...

  • God is God, All the Time; Hosea 12-14

    Episode 2

    "This world is in a mess! There seems to be very little that one can find that is good. This can be depressing, unless we look to God and His nature. Remember: God is good all the time and all the time God is good. During the time of Hosea, the people of Israel were lost in their own ideas of gre...

  • A Time of Famine; Amos 5-9

    Episode 3

    "Often the visions God gave to His prophets were about a coming event or a projection of the future. The Minor Prophets are called the Book of the Twelve in Hebrew, and record many visions that speak to us now. one example is a vision that Amos witnessed when he saw a basket of summer fruit. The ...

  • Faith, Hope, and Love; obadiah

    Episode 4

    "obadiah is the shortest book in the old Testament of the Bible, yet it carries a very strong message. God's words to the prophets do not have to be long to convey their weight. The nation of Edom or the Edomites, were descendants of Esau, Jacob's twin brother. Details are given in Genesis 25 thr...

  • God's Grace & Mercy; Jonah 1-4

    Episode 5

    "It is a difficult thing to describe the nature and actions of God, and it is very easy to misunderstand them. Some people have this problem understanding the passage of Scripture in Jonah 3 where some translations say that God changed His mind and did not destroy Nineveh. If God knows all, how c...

  • The Future; Micah 1-4

    Episode 6

    "Nothing quite captures the imagination like trying to envision time travel. I personally can't think of it without my mind wandering to the Back to the Future movie series! of course, we can speculate about time travel all we want and not be sure, since we do not have the ability to manipulate t...

  • The Truth of God; Micah 5-7

    Episode 7

    "As we seek truth, we discover that there are many versions of it. But is there a truth that is objective? Is there something that is always true, no matter what anyone thinks about it? The answer to that question is YES! Even if we don't accept that truth is objective, it remains true. We can't ...

  • We Are Responsible; Zephaniah 1-3

    Episode 8

    "Zephaniah's genealogy listed in 1:1, suggests he was of royal lineage - four generations back to Hezekiah. Zephaniah prophesied sometime between 640 and 612 BC, the time when King Josiah reigned in Jerusalem. The book begins with a condemnation because of the corruption of the people and syste...

  • Build God's House; Haggai 1-2

    Episode 9

    "Haggai lived in the time after the Babylonian exile. It was a time in which the people of God had forgotten their priorities. They had returned to Jerusalem from exile under the direction of the Persian King Cyrus. Their assignment was to refurbish the city, rebuild the Temple, and make it the p...

  • LORD of Re-Creation; Zechariah 1-4

    Episode 10

    "The book of Zechariah clearly demonstrates the prophet's ability to see and hear from God. His message was both encouraging and challenging. His central concern was the covenant between the LORD and His people. Some scholars believe that Zechariah is the most Messianic' of the prophets because ...

  • The City of Peace; Zechariah 5-8

    Episode 11

    "The name Jerusalem‚ means city of peace. Though this name might seem ironic for us today, thanks to decades of political turmoil, Jerusalem is still the most mentioned city in the Bible. It is first mentioned in Genesis as the city of Salem when Abraham tithes his spoils of war to the priest kin...

  • The Coming King; Zechariah 9-11

    Episode 12

    "Culture clashes, political turmoil, conspiracies, plots, and warfare. Is it possible for the eight billion people of the world to get along? Looking around at the state of the world makes us ask the questions: Why is there so much conflict? What does this say about human nature? How do we stop t...

  • The New Covenant; Matthew 1-3

    Episode 13

    "The book of Matthew is the perfect link between the old and New Testaments of the Bible. It appears to be written for and from a Jewish perspective, explaining what happened during Jesus' time and showing that He was the Messiah promised in the old Testament. Many of the old Testament prophets h...

  • The Call; Matthew 4-6

    Episode 14

    "The disciples of Jesus were interesting men. It seems that most of them did not have much of a connection with those in the high priesthood or other religious leadership of the day. They were not trained scholars or scribes. The disciples that Jesus called to Himself were regular men who worked ...

  • Three Teachings; Matthew 7-9

    Episode 15

    "one of the greatest ways Jesus Christ showed Himself as God was through His teaching. There are three things we can learn by reading the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:7-20. The first is how we treat each other. Many call it the golden rule: What you desire men to do to you, do for them. The second...

  • The Holy Spirit; Matthew 10-12

    Episode 16

    "The Holy Spirit of God is His presence. When someone you love dies in the flesh you know they are gone because their presence is no longer there, their spirit is gone. Paul the apostle speaks about being absent from the body and being present with the LORD. our bodies are a kind of transformer f...

  • The Kingdom of God; Matthew 13-15

    Episode 17

    "Many times, Jesus used parables to explain truth. A parable is a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson. Jesus taught in parables to instruct those who were willing to hear and believe, and to conceal the truth from those who woul...

  • The Religions of Man; Matthew 22-23

    Episode 18

    "Religious people take their religious ideas, wrap them up in their religious thinking and often try to back God into a corner. There was no difference with the people in Judah at the time of Jesus Christ. They were desperate to prove that Jesus was not the Messiah. They expected the arrival of M...

  • The Son of Man Comes; Matthew 24-25

    Episode 19

    "Two great Biblical debates swirl around what the Bible means when it describes the beginning of time and the end of time. To clarify, by the end of time I mean the apocalyptic literature of the Bible that describes the return of Christ, His reign, God's judgment, and the New Heavens and New Eart...

  • Prayer in the Garden; Matthew 26

    Episode 20

    "Jesus Christ was near the end of His ministry on Earth. When He approached Gethsemane, a garden where they had often gathered together, Jesus called His disciples to pray with Him. They must have been tired, but Jesus was insistent that they pray. Matthew, chapter 26, reveals the sorrow of Jesus...

  • The Crucifixion; Matthew 27-28

    Episode 21

    "As we reflect on the ministry of Christ, it is undeniable that much happened on and before the cross of Jesus Christ. one of the points for us to highlight is the way the military of that day ridiculed and mocked Jesus during His trial and crucifixion. Also, the religious leaders took their turn...

  • The Demons Know Jesus Mark 1-2

    "one of the more fascinating things I find in today's world is the ongoing discussion people have about Jesus. Some claim that Jesus didn't really exist, others claim that followers of Jesus made an icon and that when He died, they faked a resurrection to immortalize their cause. on the other sid...

  • September, 2022 Bible Discovery Guide: Hosea - Mark

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