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Up Next in September, 2022

  • A Time of Famine; Amos 5-9

    "Often the visions God gave to His prophets were about a coming event or a projection of the future. The Minor Prophets are called the Book of the Twelve in Hebrew, and record many visions that speak to us now. one example is a vision that Amos witnessed when he saw a basket of summer fruit. The ...

  • Faith, Hope, and Love; obadiah

    "obadiah is the shortest book in the old Testament of the Bible, yet it carries a very strong message. God's words to the prophets do not have to be long to convey their weight. The nation of Edom or the Edomites, were descendants of Esau, Jacob's twin brother. Details are given in Genesis 25 thr...

  • God's Grace & Mercy; Jonah 1-4

    "It is a difficult thing to describe the nature and actions of God, and it is very easy to misunderstand them. Some people have this problem understanding the passage of Scripture in Jonah 3 where some translations say that God changed His mind and did not destroy Nineveh. If God knows all, how c...