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Up Next in January 2023

  • The Final Plague; Exodus 11-13

    "Pharaoh had at least ten chances to avoid the plagues of Egypt, but he refused to bow to the one True God. Pharaoh's hardness of heart brings us to the final plague of Egypt, the death of the firstborns. God made a promise to the people of Israel that He would free them from the land of Egypt. G...

  • The Truth of the Law; Exodus 22-25

    "The law of God is fascinating. It can be categorized in three ways: (1) Cultural - that would be the case of dietary restrictions and ways of conduct; (2) Ceremonial - involving the laws of the priesthood, offerings, and sacrifices; (3) Moral - the Ten Commandments given in Exodus 20 and t...

  • Priestly Garments; Exodus 26-29

    "The ancient priests of Israel represented the people to God, as well as God to the people. This is something that we should learn to understand while reading the old Testament because Jesus Christ is the High Priest of the New Covenant (HEBREWS 8 ). The priesthood could never truly fulfill the l...