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Up Next in January 2023

  • God's Holiness; Exodus 33-36

    "The Hebrew word for holiness is q‚àö¬•desh, which means separateness or set apart‚ (STRoNG' S HEBREW LEXICoN H6944). It is also the root word for sanctify and saint. This meaning seems simple enough, yet it is complex in describing a Holy God. Set apart in what way? God's holiness is defined by ...

  • The Anointing; Exodus 37-40

    "The English word anoint' is translated from the Hebrew mƒÅ≈a·∏•, meaning ""to smear, paint, spread a liquid"" (STRoNG'S HEBREW LEXICoN H4886). This action of anointing is meant to set apart the common from the divine. When the priest anointed something or someone it was set apart or co...

  • The Cost of Disobedience; Leviticus 9-11

    "We often blame God when our hasty choices go bad. But are we willing to live with the consequences of our decisions? How we answer that question depends on what we understand about the character of God. In Leviticus 10, Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu made careless decisions in their role as priest...