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Up Next in November 2023

  • The City of Rome; Romans 1-2

    "The book of Romans is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to Jewish and Gentile congregants in the Church at Rome, the capital of the world's largest empire. He explains the historical significance of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection, and what that entails for those who once followed the L...

  • The Ways of God; Romans 3-4

    "In Romans 3, Paul solidly rejects the idea that people can be saved because of their ancestry. As Paul writes to a city that has become well known for its Jewish and Christian populations fighting with one another, we can see the gospel being applied fairly as a correction to this behavior. We m...

  • Benefits; Romans 5-7

    "The benefits we have as Christians, those who are forgiven of their sins and have been accepted by God into His Kingdom, are amazing. There is no better life than the life of the Christian who follows Jesus Christ. Paul the apostle explains these benefits in Romans 5 as justification, peace with...