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Up Next in December 2023

  • Self-Control; 2 Peter 1-3

    "one of the characteristics that a Christian will develop over time is the ability of self control. It is one of the fruits of God's Spirit that will grow in the life of someone who actively follows God. Self-control does not just mean holding back our temper or not letting our mouths spew off-co...

  • The Truth About Living; 1 John 1-5

    "It's natural to question the world around us; to ask: What is the point in living? For Christians, there is an easy answer. We have been called to build God's Kingdom, to live for eternity. When we encounter problems that seem insurmountable, Christians know that we always have Christ to go to. ...

  • Women in the Church; 1 & 3 John, Jude

    "The apostle John was one of the original 12 disciples of Jesus: the son of Zebedee, brother of James, and the writer of five books of the Bible, a witness to Jesus before it was revealed that Jesus was the Christ. Present at the crucifixion and transfiguration of Jesus, John took responsibility ...